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Publication Pressures: Underrepresented Scholars
INFORMS Webinar: DEI and Scholarly Publishing
Scholarly Publishing: Annual EPS Roundtable
From Dissertation to Book: Navigating the Publication Process (2024)
Rosemary Joyce: Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Minorities in Anthro Programs
APA Essential Science Conversations Presents: Are Psych Scientists Publishing Too Much?
How are Predatory Publishers Preying on Uninformed Scholars? Don’t Be a Victim Edited
How HSS Scholarly Publishing Supports Social Justice: DEI Policies and Practices
Good Research Practice from the Publishers’ Perspective
Muller Salem Adamson ESBB2024
Strategy, misunderstandings, & frustrations of publication & peer review & why we do it anyway
Dr Larissa Shamseer | False dichotomy: Predatory journals and inclusivity and scholarly publishing